PRESS RELEASE - Fire Districts Explore Cooperative Opportunities
Placerville, CA January 28, 2023 – Two local fire protection districts are exploring opportunities to work more cooperatively in delivering services. On Thursday, January 26, Board of Directors from El Dorado County Fire Protection District and Diamond Springs – El Dorado Fire Protection District met with representatives from the El Dorado Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCO) for an informational session describing LAFCO reorganization options including annexation and consolidation.
Annexation could mean one agency absorbing into the other; whereas consolidation could result in a whole new agency that covers both fire protection districts’ response areas. During regular February board meetings, both fire protection districts will decide if they intend to proceed with formally looking into one process or the other. In either case, if the districts move forward there will be extensive study on the feasibility of the idea followed by public hearings and ultimately public approval through protest or election proceedings. This will provide ample opportunity to look at all potential benefits and challenges that can be addressed. Ultimately the goal would be to provide the same or better services while realizing the benefits that can be gleaned from working cooperatively as one agency.
Representatives from El Dorado County Professional Firefighters Association and Diamond Springs – El Dorado Professional Firefighters, representing the firefighters in both areas, spoke in support of desired cooperation and exploration of both LAFCO options. Also in attendance of the informational session were El Dorado County Board of Supervisors Lori Parlin and Wendy Thomas as well as Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Sue Hennike.
Updates will be provided throughout this process to inform local residents of board actions and opportunities to learn more about what is discovered in the process.

View the Press Release here:
Press Release 28 Jan 2023.pdf