Ambulance Service Restored in Diamond Springs
March 15, 2023, Diamond Springs, CA — An ambulance resumed service in Diamond Springs today after several months of absence. This medic unit is staffed with paramedics who recently completed orientation and county paramedic accreditation process. Medic 49's service is provided by El Dorado County Fire Protection District staff while being hosted by Diamond Springs - El Dorado Fire Protection District at Station 49 in Diamond Springs. This cooperative approach is making this endeavor possible and fills an important void in the county's emergency medical services system. El Dorado County Emergency Services Authority (West Slope JPA) oversees the eight West Slope JPA ambulances that are operated daily by local fire service agencies. These ambulances directly serve approximately 150,000 county residents. El Dorado County Fire Protection District provides the service for five of the eight West Slope JPA ambulances. Prior to the shut down of Medic 49 last year it was the second busiest medic unit in the system, running over 3,200 incidents annually. Both districts are eager to experience the effectiveness that Medic 49 will contribute to bolstering emergency response in the county.
Medic 49's re-opening will be officially recognized during a ceremony at Station 49 on Saturday, March 25 beginning at 11 a.m. During the ceremony the new Paramedic Ambulance Operators will be sworn in and receive their badges. A ribbon cutting will follow to commemorate the return of Medic 49 to the 9-1-1 system.

View the Badge Pinning and Medic 49 Re-Opening announcement here:
Reopining - Badge Pinning Invitation.pdf