Captain Matthew Keck
Matthew Steven Keck
January 21, 2006

Knowing early on that he wanted to dedicate his career to the fire service, Matt volunteered his time doing odd jobs at his local fire station after school. His childhood dream came true in 1991, when the El Dorado County Fire District officially hired him on. It was one of the proudest moments of his life. Still young in his career and in life, Matt lost his battle to occupational cancer on January 21, 2006. He was only 36 years old. His colleagues and extended family at the firehouse will always remember Matt for his strong leadership, work ethic, and compassion to serve others. To his family at home, Matt was the epitome of what a loving father and husband should be. His wife, Brandi, and children, Grace, Jordan and Dalton were the greatest loves of his life. His family was the center of his world.