PRESS RELEASE — Fire Agencies Take First Step in Exploring Reorganization

Placerville, CA, February 17, 2023 – This week the Diamond Springs - El Dorado Fire Protection District and El Dorado County Fire Protection District Board of Directors unanimously approved Resolution(s) of Intent to Proceed with joint annexation or consolidation discussions. This action will result in moving forward with the El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) pre-application process. Both agencies will collaborate over the coming months to develop a feasibility study, service plan, and to identify sphere of influence impacts. This process will identify what a joint agency would look like and how it would operate. Once this process is completed, both boards will need to pass Resolution(s) of Application to Initiate Reorganization which will formally submit a request to have LAFCO review the application. Both boards passed the Resolution(s) of intent to proceed at their regular February Board of Directors meetings.
El Dorado County Fire Protection District is committed to informing local residents of board actions regarding these discussions and what is learned in the process.
Press Release 17 Feb 2023.pdf