Station 17 Partial Remodel Project
Posted October 5, 2022
Notice is hereby given that the El Dorado County Fire Protection District (Hereinafter referred to as the “Owner”) will receive sealed bids for:
El Dorado County Fire Station # 17 Remodel Project (Hereinafter referred to as the “Project”)

Project work to be performed (hereinafter referred to as “Work”) to include:
• Minor Demolition and construction of new, non-bearing interior walls
• HVAC work to include relocation of existing diffusers for new wall locations
• Plumbing work to include fixtures for two new bathrooms, kitchen, laundry areas and new on-demand water-heating system
• Electrical work throughout including new fixtures and switches.
• New doors, frames, and hardware throughout
• New Casework
• New signage
• Parking lot ADA improvements and resurfacing
• See project Plans and Specifications for complete Scope of Work.
• Additive Alternate # 1:
- Clean and Seal-coat floor in Apparatus Room (#115)
- Install In-slab Floor Drains in Apparatus Room (#115)
- See project Plans and Specifications for complete Scope of Work.
Approximate project size: $500,000.00.
Notice is hereby given that the Project is a public works project within the requirements of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 of the California Labor Code, and that each Bidder and all Subcontractors are required to be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 at the time of bidding. Failure of the Bidder or a listed Subcontractor to be registered at the time of bidding shall render the Bid non-responsive and unavailable for award.
Proposals are due:
Location: Fire Station #17
6430 Pony Express Trail
Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Contact: Owner Representatives:
Ron Wood or Melissa Walker
ARC – (530) 621-1785
Date: 11/03/2022
Time: No Later than 2:00 PM
At this time such proposals will be opened and publicly read.
Contractor License Classification Required: Class A or B
Mandatory Pre-bid conference will be held at:
Location: Fire Station #17
6430 Pony Express Trail
Pollock Pines, CA 95726
Contact: Owner Representatives:
Ron Wood or Melissa Walker
ARC – (530) 621-1785
Date: 10/20/2022
Time: 2:00 PM
Attendance for duration of meeting is mandatory for each prime contract bidder (referred to as “Bidder” or “Bidders”). Failure to attend the mandatory, Pre-Bid conference waives the right to submit a bid. For all Pre-Bid visits (other than the Pre-bid conference), Bidder must make an appointment with the Owner’s Representative prior to visiting the Site.
Overall coordination of the Project will be the responsibility of the Owner Representative. All inquiries regarding the bid are to be directed to Owner Representative, Melissa
Contracts for construction will be direct prime contracts with the Owner. All Project procedures and documents are designed to facilitate delivery of the Project through prime construction contracts. The Owner’s forms shall be used for all documents so designated. Bidders shall read and review the Bidding Documents carefully, and shall familiarize themselves thoroughly with all requirements.
Each bid proposal shall conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. The bid documents may be obtained at El Dorado County Fire Department’s website:
No bid will be considered unless it is accompanied by Cashier's Check, Certified Check or Bid Bond from a surety authorized to do business in California for ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Combined Base Bid Amount, including additive Alternate Bids, made payable to the Owner. The above-mentioned check or bid bond shall be given as a guarantee that the Bidder shall, if selected by the Owner, execute the Contracts, in conformance with the Contract Documents.
Bids shall not expire for a period of 90 days after the date set for the bid opening. Within ten (10) days after notification of the Owner’s Notice of Intent to Award the Contracts, the successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Labor and Material Bond and a Faithful Performance Bond for each Contract.
The Owner is an equal opportunity employer.
The successful Bidder shall be required to pay its workers on this Project a sum not less than the general prevailing rate (applicable at time of bid advertisement date) of per diem wages and not less than the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work for work of a similar character in the locality in which the Project is performed, as provided under California Labor Code Sections 1726-1861. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are available at
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any
irregularity in any proposals received.
See documents below for complete project requirements
Bid Documents
County Fire Station # 17 - Project Manual.pdfFS 17 REMODEL COMPLETE ARCH 8-23-2022.pdfAddendum #1 FINAL VERSION.pdfAddendum #2 FINAL VERSION.pdfAddendum #3 FINAL VERSION.pdf